Pune mâna pe chitară, the First Content Creators Mobile App from Eventya
Through its actions, the Play Cultural Association supports more than 9,000 children and 18,000 parents from Sibiu every year, via their cultural and artistic education projects and programmes. We were happy to hear they decided to extend their projects online, by using...
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Sibiu Philharmonic App: the first of its kind in Romania
This weekend, the Sibiu State Philharmonic became the first Romanian philharmonic to have a mobile app that enables them to keep in touch with its audience. From now on, those interested in the concert schedules and general news and updates...
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Use Your Theatre App to Keep the Audience Close During Lockdown
The COVID-19 epidemic is affecting new industries each day. The events and entertainment industry was one of the first to suffer. Long before airlines, restaurants and cafes were shut-down, most countries banned public gatherings of high numbers. The theatre industry...
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Make the most of this crisis if you are a philharmonic promoter

As a philharmonic promoter, even though it is impossible for you to go about your usual activities at the moment, you can still use this ”free-time” you have at hand in a useful and productive manner. This way, when all of this will be over, you will have a wider perspective and would have completed a few of the task you used to postpone or procrastinate about, in the past.

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Eventya launched it’s first ticketing app – Tickety.es
Tickety Spain decided to build their ticketing app using Eventya Platform. It took a few days to implement the project on our platform, versus a few months it they built it from scratch. TICKETY.ES is a well known ticket selling...
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festival app
Top features people are expecting from a Festival App
Organising music festivals and dealing with thousands of people is tough. Really tough. I know because it takes me days to organise all the logistics, food, music and entertainment for my little 7 years old daughter's birthday. But doing a...
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Out of the box festival apps. Get inspiration to enrich your event experience

Before anything else, a festival is a real-life experience. No matter the type of the event, the festival-goers enjoy what it offers and become the actors of the entire show-staged by the organizers. But the relationship between the public and…

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