e-peste la braila travel app

January 15, 2020


The Association "Centrul de Informare si Documentare pentru Integrare Europeana si Dezvoltare Durabila" Braila"


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ePește la Brăila – Fishing App

ePește l@ Brăila is a fishing app dedicated to sports fishing enthusiasts. The app covers the area of Brăila county, Romania. The app is in Romanian and English and addresses both locals and tourists.

The application provides useful information about:

  • Fish species
  • Flora and Fauna of the region and Natural Reserves
  • Details about fishing rods and the legislation in force
  • Transport possibilities in the area
  • Fisherman’s shops
  • Useful Info: Accommodation, Restaurants, Travel agencies, Tour guides
  • Fishing related activities to try
  • Fishing Events Calendar
  • Recommendations for tourists

ePește la Brăila App constantly updates the news related to fishing activities. You can also find the list of institutions involved in fishing and promotion of the region.

The “nearby search” map guides you through all the objectives of the Fishing Zone in Brăila. Also, it offers the possibility of filtering according to the categories of interest.