Visit Turda

September 27, 2022


Turda City Hall


Tourism & Travel

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Visit Turda – the official Turda travel guide

Use Visit Turda and discover why Turda is great!

Visit Turda mobile app offers all you need to know about the city: the treasures, points of interest, food & fun, accommodation, news, surroundings, transport and other services useful to tourists.

All notable events and news, but also important activities and recommendations are detailed in the app.

What can you do with the app: important features

Discover Turda’s treasures

Find out what’s worth visiting in Turda, discover the important churches, balneo resorts, salt mines and other tourist attractions in the surroundings.

Nearby Search

Use the interactive map “Near You” and identify the points of interest near you. Filter the categories according to your field of interest.

City Hall Official news

Follow the official news from the City Hall to stay informed and never miss out on anything.

The Events Calendar

See what happens during the year in Turda and save your favourite events in your calendar;

Restaurants & Accommodation

Discover the list of restaurants and accommodation facilities and leave a rating & review there..

Public Info

The City Hall offers precious information about hot to get to Turda, local markets and services, transport and parking, taxi services and electric cars charging points and much more.

Follow your favourite places or event organisers

Follow your favourite pages and stay up-to-date with automatic notifications of published events and offers;

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